Beating the Post Wedding Blues
Top tips to brighten your day
After all the excitement and the build up of your wedding day and then your honeymoon, some brides — and even grooms — can get a case of the post wedding blues. Your wedding will have been a big focus in your life and now that’s gone and there are no seating plans to arrange, favours to make or bunting to hang, you may be left feeling a little bit blue. Take a look at some of our top tips on how to deal with the post wedding blues.
Don’t Feel Guilty About It
A case of the post-wedding blues is only natural so don’t beat yourself up over it. Talking through how you feel with your partner could be a great help so don’t keep your feelings bottled up.
Reconnect with Friends
During the wedding planning process, you may have found yourself a little disconnected from your friends. Use some of your new-found free time to have a girly catch-up or a fun night out with some of your girlfriends.
Have Some Couple Time
Don’t let the romance fade now you are husband and wife, the first year of being married is such a magical time so try and fit in a romantic trip or two – even just one night away somewhere will give you something fun to look forward to. If money is tight after the wedding then a home-cooked romantic meal and a film together with no interruptions from friends, family or work can be just as rewarding.
Use Your New Found Skills
Perhaps during planning your wedding you became a master of calligraphy? Or you could be a whizz at table planning? If you have friends starting to plan their own weddings then offer a helping hand, you get to live in the wedding world for a bit longer and also feel great about helping out a friend.
Make Your Home Your New Focus
Chances are you have been given some rather swanky wedding gifts or perhaps even money or gift vouchers. Why not use this as the perfect excuse to give your marital home a bit of a re-vamp. Clear out any old things you no longer need and make a place for your brand new wedding gifts.